Our website host is experiencing a major outage, so our CWC website and the online reservation system are currently not working. We apologize for this inconvenience, and they are working to solve the problem, but for now we are making some adjustments to deal with it at the Club. You may still contact the Club by phone at 513-961-6535, and individual staff members directly via email:

Bryan P. Duquin, Sr (bduquin@cincinnatiwomansclub.com)

Amy Carter (amy@cincinnatiwomansclub.com)

Mary Douglas (mdouglas@cincinnatiwomansclub.com)

Scott Lawson (slawson@cincinnatiwomansclub.com)

Jess Seabolt (jcomm@cincinnatiwomansclub.com)

Jennifer Chaney (receptionist@cincinnatiwomansclub.com)

Thank you for your patience as we work with our web hosting company and our technical consultant to resolve the website issues.